
Confluences - Interdisciplinarity and New Challenges in the History of Cartography


1-5 July 2024

Lyon - France

Imago Mundi and the University of Lyon will be glad to welcome you back to France during the 30th International Conference on the History of Cartography [ICHC]. The idea of organizing the conference in Lyon with the theme "Confluences - Interdisciplinarity and New Challenges in the History of Cartography" is inspired by the very location of the city, as a confluence between North and South, between Saône and Rhône rivers, the Rhône Valley and the Alps.

The organizing committee aims to foster interdisciplinary exchanges with the international community of researchers, curators and practitioners of various forms of map history, concerning the new challenges in the History of Cartography.
The official language of the conference will be English, and all presentations must be in that language. There will be no simultaneous translation.

Registrations will be available from mid-February until 14/06/2024.

A pre-conference meeting is organised in Paris at the BnF – Bibliothèque Nationale de France on June 29th 2024.
► Website : https://cartogallica.hypotheses.org/2923