

Interdisciplinarity and new challenges in the History of Cartography

1-5 July 2024 - Université de Lyon – France

Registration fees

Early bird registration will begin in February and end on 25th of April 2024 (UTC/GMT +1 hour Time zone).

Normal registration will be available from 26st April through 14th of June 2024.

► See here the terms and condition of sale



Registration of participants

  • The organisers ask all attendees whose papers and posters have been accepted for the conference to register by 12 April at the latest so that a draft conference programme can be made available in early May.
  • For all participants who are not communicating, please refer to the conference fee schedule.
  • All students, whether graduates or not, are eligible for a reduced rate. They will be asked to present proof of their status during the registration process.
  • 5 exhibitions are associated with the ICHC 2024 programme. The end of the day will be reserved for visits to the various local institutions involved.
  • As has become usual, it will be possible to have only one person accompany the main speaker, who will be able to take part in the midday meals and some of the main sessions (opening and closing ceremonies, a communication session of choice), as well as visits to exhibitions associated with the ICHC 2024 programme. We would ask that any registration for an accompanying person be made at the same time as the registration for the main speaker (see registration form).
    Accompanying person fee is 120,00 € for the 5 days.
Registration categories (Prices include TVA 10% taxes)
Registration Early Bird

(Febr. To April 25th )

Full fee

(April 26th to June 14th)

Attendee 5 days 320 € 400 €
Attendee 1 day 80 € 100 €
*Student 5 days 100 € 150 €
*Student 1 day 20 € 30 €
Remote access to main sessions only 120 € 120 €

*Proof of student status: photocopy of dated student ID with current date/ schooling certificate